Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Keeper

ingredients : hemp, leather, steel chain, vintage bone beads , holey stone from Moldovia, Victorian clay pipe piece, two tiny Roman glass beads, bullet case, horse hair, vintage silver charm from Syria, vintage African trade bead, ostrich egg shell heishis and one of my ceramic boxes.

A note on the small bone beads... 4 x 9 ... 9 is the Hermit in the Tarot, if you multiply 9 by any number... then add the numbers you will always get 9 ... 4x9 = 36 ... 3+6= 9 ...
A note on the horse hair, hair are related to the sky, to freedom and strengh...
I don't write very often about the process.. I almost never make stuff that don't have a meaning... a lot of thinking goes in the process of choosing the elements... For exemple, I am aware that the bone beads I use once were living beings... same goes with the leather...
The Roman beads, many hands touched them before ending in mine... and so on...


alek said...

its brilliant, steph

Still Waters Studio said...

Another museum quality piece. You definitely have a unique style.

Juliette said...

Absolutely beautiful. I love that you included some notes, especially the numbers and your respect for the pieces you use. I use tarot and qaballah when working, it's lovely to hear about someone else's.

Gayle said...

Your respect for what has come before always shines through.

Anonymous said...

Je crois que tu as raison de préciser ta démarche, au moins de temps en temps, histoire de sortir la tête de toute cette web-production de bijoux ethnico-vintage.
Mais si ça peut te rassurer, je crois que toutes celles qui viennent ici régulièrement le font justement parce qu'elles y trouvent du sens.
Bises, je retourne à mes dossiers...

Air Bohemia said...

Steph, the way I look at is honor. Your work is sacred to you, much thought goes into each are a woman of the Earth, you do not disrespect life, you appreciate it in all honor the sacrifice.

Beautiful work my friend!


Petra Carpreau said...

Your authenticity, thoughtfulness and knowledge are evident in all your pieces, Steph. 'Museum quality' describes them perfectly.
Very beautiful.