Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Of being reminded that I am a sculptor...
Work in progress...
Between 6" and 7" (16cm)
A life size one will be in the making in about a month...
I'm a bit scared considering that the last time I did that type of work I was still a student at the fine arts school...
Between 6" and 7" (16cm)
A life size one will be in the making in about a month...
I'm a bit scared considering that the last time I did that type of work I was still a student at the fine arts school...
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Old primitive ancestral amulet protection figure, from Sumba, Indonesia.
It's from the 60's.
Used to be worn as a pendant to protect the owner from bad spirits.
I still don't know if I'll wear it or not... I just know it's an awesome little sculpture...
It's about 2.5 " tall.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The Crazy Women Club
1. Alek ... She sent me bits of her island... t'was Christmas in February... Those things she found on the seaside... awesome... A thousand times thank you, Alek and filakia pola! :)
2. Lucie... some awesome beads... bone beads from Kenya, a big turquoise, some raw amber, carnelian, labradorite, mother of pearl, African glass beads, a resin cabochon, a beaded resin cabochon, some of her gorgeous beaded beads, Roman beads and some scented beads (I heard of those but never got to see and smell them before... )... Mille mercis Lucie! :)
3. Suzanne (no blog yet)... clay beads and bone pendants from Africa (Kenya I think) and some glass beads from Afghanistan.... Mille mercis à toi aussi, Suzanne! :)
4. And Bobbi... glass beads and bone beads (love the dragongflies on those!) and some cows (because I needed some she said...). A thousand times thank you to you Bobbi... wish I could share a glass of Mad Housewife with you right now! ;)
Thank you so much crazy women... those treasures are going to sleep a bit before I use them... though something tells me that some will end up on the monster necklace...
2. Lucie... some awesome beads... bone beads from Kenya, a big turquoise, some raw amber, carnelian, labradorite, mother of pearl, African glass beads, a resin cabochon, a beaded resin cabochon, some of her gorgeous beaded beads, Roman beads and some scented beads (I heard of those but never got to see and smell them before... )... Mille mercis Lucie! :)
3. Suzanne (no blog yet)... clay beads and bone pendants from Africa (Kenya I think) and some glass beads from Afghanistan.... Mille mercis à toi aussi, Suzanne! :)
4. And Bobbi... glass beads and bone beads (love the dragongflies on those!) and some cows (because I needed some she said...). A thousand times thank you to you Bobbi... wish I could share a glass of Mad Housewife with you right now! ;)
Thank you so much crazy women... those treasures are going to sleep a bit before I use them... though something tells me that some will end up on the monster necklace...
Monday, February 20, 2012

I've been awarded The Versatile Blogger award by Lindsay. Please check her blog... it's full of fun tutorials, stories about her life and her art...
There are several rules to accepting this award and they are:
1. Add the award to your blog -- See sidebar.
2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you. -- Mille mercis, Lindsay!
3. Mention 7 random things about yourself. -- See below.
4. List the rules.
5. Award to 15 bloggers. -- See below.
6. Inform each of those 15 by leaving a comment on their blog.
So... here's the 7 random things about me :
1. I graduated as an elementary school teacher... saying I WILL NEVER EVER TEACH... and then went on to study sculpture... and now... well... I teach sculpture to teenagers and I love it!
2. As a kid I preferred playing with bows and arrows (that I made) than dolls... My mum told me that one of the few times she saw me playing with my dolls was when I sat them all on the sofa and then proceeded to shoot them all with my brother's toy gun... HerrFreund ... Freud (LOL Lucie... c'est ce qui arrive quand on se bat pendant 1h30 avec blogger... Je suis plus amie avec Jung que Freud!) would have a lot to say about that... after all he saw the child as a polymorphic pervert...
3. I grew up in a farm like setting. We had a lot of animals : sheeps, pigeons, chickens, rabbits, pigs, a cow, a donkey, a goat, a horse, dogs, cats and a monkey... and we rescued also an owl at some point and a crow... I learned a lot about life and death watching them... I remember being woken up in the middle of the night to witness the cow giving birth... and I remember the day we had to put down the cow, I remember the look in her eyes...
4. When we bought the cow, we bought another young calf ... we knew from the start that that calf will be reared for the meat... I liked him a lot... I guess I was sad when it was killed... but ate his meat anyway... and today his skin is in my living room... he's been dead for about 30 years now... his name was Ferdinand... (je mange toujours de la viande, Lucie... mais très peu...)
5. When I lived in town , I had a pet rat... I needed a pet and it seemed to me that a rat would not suffer to live in an appartement like a dog or a cat would... his name was Basil... because of Basil The Rat (one of my favorite episodes of Fawlty Towers).
6. I've always had a thing for rusty things, weird stones, bones, old things...
7. I don't think I will ever grow up... because most of the things I did as a kid- like drawing, crafting, collecting- I still do... only I'm better at them now..
I said most of the things... I don't shoot dolls anymore... only did it once and really don't remember it... so as far as I know... maybe my mum made up that story...
I pass along The Versatile Blogger award to these great bloggers:
Jodi http://blog.so-charmed.com/
Sherry http://stillwatersart.net/
Lucie http://eclecticbijoux.canalblog.com/ surtout ne supprime pas ton blog!
Alek http://infinitystop.blogspot.com/
Gayle http://avintagegreenlife.blogspot.com/
Sharon http://thefabricofsweetrepose.blogspot.com/
Janna http://palimpa-lim.blogspot.com/
Jay http://hiddenmissives.blogspot.com/
Dorcas http://wondrousstrangedesigns.blogspot.com/
Solekoru http://solekoru.blogspot.com/
Mireille http://mduroy.canalblog.com/
Lyle http://almostheavengifts.wordpress.com/
Jen http://www.jenworden.com/
Professeur Boilot http://www.professeurboilot.com/
Lindsay http://alienbeadings.blogspot.com/
There are several rules to accepting this award and they are:
1. Add the award to your blog -- See sidebar.
2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you. -- Mille mercis, Lindsay!
3. Mention 7 random things about yourself. -- See below.
4. List the rules.
5. Award to 15 bloggers. -- See below.
6. Inform each of those 15 by leaving a comment on their blog.
So... here's the 7 random things about me :
1. I graduated as an elementary school teacher... saying I WILL NEVER EVER TEACH... and then went on to study sculpture... and now... well... I teach sculpture to teenagers and I love it!
2. As a kid I preferred playing with bows and arrows (that I made) than dolls... My mum told me that one of the few times she saw me playing with my dolls was when I sat them all on the sofa and then proceeded to shoot them all with my brother's toy gun... Herr
3. I grew up in a farm like setting. We had a lot of animals : sheeps, pigeons, chickens, rabbits, pigs, a cow, a donkey, a goat, a horse, dogs, cats and a monkey... and we rescued also an owl at some point and a crow... I learned a lot about life and death watching them... I remember being woken up in the middle of the night to witness the cow giving birth... and I remember the day we had to put down the cow, I remember the look in her eyes...
4. When we bought the cow, we bought another young calf ... we knew from the start that that calf will be reared for the meat... I liked him a lot... I guess I was sad when it was killed... but ate his meat anyway... and today his skin is in my living room... he's been dead for about 30 years now... his name was Ferdinand... (je mange toujours de la viande, Lucie... mais très peu...)
5. When I lived in town , I had a pet rat... I needed a pet and it seemed to me that a rat would not suffer to live in an appartement like a dog or a cat would... his name was Basil... because of Basil The Rat (one of my favorite episodes of Fawlty Towers).
6. I've always had a thing for rusty things, weird stones, bones, old things...
7. I don't think I will ever grow up... because most of the things I did as a kid- like drawing, crafting, collecting- I still do... only I'm better at them now..
I said most of the things... I don't shoot dolls anymore... only did it once and really don't remember it... so as far as I know... maybe my mum made up that story...
I pass along The Versatile Blogger award to these great bloggers:
Jodi http://blog.so-charmed.com/
Sherry http://stillwatersart.net/
Lucie http://eclecticbijoux.canalblog.com/ surtout ne supprime pas ton blog!
Alek http://infinitystop.blogspot.com/
Gayle http://avintagegreenlife.blogspot.com/
Sharon http://thefabricofsweetrepose.blogspot.com/
Janna http://palimpa-lim.blogspot.com/
Jay http://hiddenmissives.blogspot.com/
Dorcas http://wondrousstrangedesigns.blogspot.com/
Solekoru http://solekoru.blogspot.com/
Mireille http://mduroy.canalblog.com/
Lyle http://almostheavengifts.wordpress.com/
Jen http://www.jenworden.com/
Professeur Boilot http://www.professeurboilot.com/
Lindsay http://alienbeadings.blogspot.com/
There are many more awesome bloggers on my list... just check the sidebar
Now I'd like to know why blogger won't let me highlight words when I want to insert a link or change the size of the font... any idea?... I had to play with the html code and it takes ages doing so...
So do not worry if I don't leave a comment on each blog tonight... I just spent 1h30 writing this post...
Edit: I think I figured out why... I was using the old version of blogger... the new one seems to work better...
Edit: I think I figured out why... I was using the old version of blogger... the new one seems to work better...
Sunday, February 12, 2012
The Keeper

A note on the small bone beads... 4 x 9 ... 9 is the Hermit in the Tarot, if you multiply 9 by any number... then add the numbers you will always get 9 ... 4x9 = 36 ... 3+6= 9 ...
A note on the horse hair, hair are related to the sky, to freedom and strengh...
I don't write very often about the process.. I almost never make stuff that don't have a meaning... a lot of thinking goes in the process of choosing the elements... For exemple, I am aware that the bone beads I use once were living beings... same goes with the leather...
The Roman beads, many hands touched them before ending in mine... and so on...
Thursday, February 09, 2012
head study

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Thanks to those who took the time to comment on the previous post... :)))
Oh... and to those who pin my work on their pinterest boards... that is very nice of you, I'm honored but at the same time I feel a bit uneasy about it... can't really explain why... and don't want to hurt anybody's feelings... just have mixed feelings...
Sunday, February 05, 2012
grave digger

Been a bit busy after all despite the cold...
Thanks for all the comments you left on the previous posts... :)
Hope you're all keeping warm and creative... :))
... me thinks blogger has pms again... won't let me add link to the post... can't highlight the words... wordpress is getting more and more tempting...
Saturday, February 04, 2012
The Rain Maker

Made last year... a bit of everything... amber, turquoise, coral, silver, pearls, jasper, lapis lazuli, agate, bone, wood... and more...
Dreaming about rain... it's freezing in Europe... -14°C (about 7°F)
Wednesday, February 01, 2012
spoiled bat...
First thank you all for your birthday wishes... from the bottom of my heart :)))
This is what the mailman brought this morning... goodies from Sherry... some yarn, a beautiful card, some jewelry supplies, some yummy candy (yes a tequila with worm lolly), a gorgeous necklace, earrings and a ceramic pendant she made... I'm spoiled
This is what the mailman brought this morning... goodies from Sherry... some yarn, a beautiful card, some jewelry supplies, some yummy candy (yes a tequila with worm lolly), a gorgeous necklace, earrings and a ceramic pendant she made... I'm spoiled

And this is my very messy work table...
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