This is my ring... This is one of the pieces of jewelry that (almost) never leaves me... For the last two days, I thought I lost it... searched everywhere (obviously not) and could not find it... then EUREKA... I looked under the kitchen cabinets... and there it was...
This ring and I, we met some 6 years ago in an antique shop in Brussels... more of a cabinet of curiosities than a shop... mostly African curiosities... some Asian... a treat for the eyes... The owner too... bald head and a huge "bicycle handle" moustache... He told me the ring could be 50 years old or more... it was bought in Ethiopia but was probably made in Yemen... I've seen rings like that elsewhere... better made... this one looks like the work of an apprentice... it's not perfect and I guess that is why I fell for it...
Do you have a favorite piece of jewelry that never leaves you?
Beautiful! So glad you found it.
You must have felt lost without it!!
Glad you found it!
I do have a ring, too, that never leaves me. It is not a vintage one ...well, now that I think about it... it probably IS vintage... but it was brand new when I bought it...! It was completely handmade by an incredible goldsmith in my town, and it was created just for me. I love it and feel naked without it.
That would be sad, to lose that one. It is a very unique ring.
Ca aurait été dommage de la perdre, elle est superbe!
Et pour répondre à ta question, non, pas de bijou fétiche, sinon tous!
La constante est de porter deux colliers,un long et un court, parfois trois, et de mélanger les styles (pour révéler la bête derrière le cristal, lol). Eclectique quoi ;-)
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