Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Bone Collector

Cotton, bone, wood and brass

Brooch, cotton

Last month, I remembered I saw a dead fox on a dirt path last summer. When I saw it it was in a very bad shape, been laying there for a few rainy days and tractors had driven on it ...
So I decided to take a "little pilgrimage" to the dirt path. Nothing in sight ... then I spotted a white yellow thing in the dirt... I dug a little and found the treasure! Vertebraes, pieces of the jaw, a couple of leg bones, the hip bones, ribs ... I think I have at least half of the skeleton. While I was digging, a man who was walking his dog passed by me... I said hi and then he said hi. When he came back I was still digging so he asked me what I was doing ... "oh just digging out a fox skeleton" and he said "oh well..." and went ...I'm sure he thought I was some kind of weirdo! ;) Pity he did not ask what I was going to do with it ...


Karen Cole said...

You are doing amazing work, Steph.

I LOVE the American Indian jewelry. Just beautiful. Like a religious relic.

Unknown said...

You are so my kinda gal!! I found part of an animal skull a couple of weeks ago while on a survey job. Any one would have thought I had found a treasure box filled with gold!! I photographed it and agreed to leave it in the woods that day...but guess who just could not live with out it:)

Still Waters Studio said...

You can make your own natural history museum. I will have to look around for some bones for you. The cats and dogs are always bringing me presents. I will probably only touch the kosher ones though.
Love the new stuff!