Look what the mail man brought! A package from Sherry... she's been playing with enamels lately and she sent me some of her experiments along with yummy tea, some metal parts and cinnamon gum. Thank you so much Sherry... they will be put in good use in the coming year! :))) I had some scraps of fabric left from past projects... too small to make anything with... so I thought... then I made two pendants with it... A heart shape one :
and a kind of a Russian doll one:
May you all have a HAPPY AND CREATIVE NEW YEAR! :)
The focal is a ceramic pendant I made, the bronze thingy is a piece of a long forgotten and lost medieval purse, there's one of my ceramic bead, some raw Baltic amber, turquoise, coral, bone, ostrich egg shell discs, vintage African brass heishis, Mexican amber, labradorite, an ebony bead, seed beads, copper wire, brass toned chain and leather...
And an amulet necklace with a bit of everything...
Joyeux Noël, Merry Christmas to all of you! Hope you have some quality time with those you love!
I just can't find words to describe what I felt when I opened the box Gayle sent me... Box that has been given by her husband... a treasure chest of a cigar box... inside it, a very old beaded pouch to add to my collection, a vintage African comb, a very old photo (ambrotype?), a bone carved pendant (not on the photo, on my voodoo necklace now!) and some salve she made with the red oil she made this summer ( my hands are thankful... the weather and the clay are not kind to them). Thank you so much Gayle... Mille mercis du fond du coeur... There was another package to open.. and again... I lost my ability to talk... this was from Alek... Pieces of wood... Carobe, vine, cypress (I'm addicted to its smell now), olive wood ... and pebbles ... and an antique porcelain door knob... and some Greek paper ephemera... and an olive wood bowl... and a cast of an olive branch to use with my clay... and a charm for my voodoo necklace... this charm started as a custom order and then Alek decided it would be better as a gift... ευχαριστώ Alek ;) Thank you so much... Mille mercis à toi aussi! Make sure to check her etsy shop : infinity stop
These are in my etsy shop... they have been high fired and I will have some more high fired pieces in the coming weeks... I always preferred high firing but only learned last week that the place where I fire my stuff is offering that option...
When I was in Arkansas last Spring, Bobbi told me that she'd send me "some" stuff to use in my jewelry... this huge stash was waiting for me when I got back home yesterday... Thank you so much Bobbi, my "vengeance" is brewing... ;)
Better photos of the other day's beads
Two rings from my collection, I got them a while back (3 years ago, I think), I decided to wear them... they're a bit large so I made them smaller with some silk rags... The ring on the left is Roman and the other one is Greek... they're over 2000 years old... I wonder who wore them, who lost them...