I also practiced what Sherry taught me while I was visiting her last Fall and made these two pendants.

Now let's play tag!
Mireille Duroy tagged me ( make sure to pay her a visit her jewelry is gorgeous!).Merci Mireille! I have to give you the links to 7 blogs I like to visit ... For once they will not be jewelry related ... Let's start:
1. Vanilla Garlic : if you like to cook and if you like being adventurous in your cooking, that's the place!
2. Color Me Katie : if you like to smile.
3. anders-anziehen : if you like to look at other people!
4. Rang- Decor : if you like exotic places.
5. Rodrigvitz Style: if you like colors.
6. Advanced Style : if you think style is ageless.
7. Un prof vide son cartable : rien que pour les francophones, même si vous n'êtes pas prof ( si vous l'êtes, vous vous sentirez moins seul(e)s!).
And I tag everyone who is reading this ... if you feel like playing of course!
Have a great week!
Wow! You did a great job on the soldering and the bezels! The album is a really great find too. What a treasure to find the old drawings! I hope you had a fun trip to UK.
Belle trouvaille! J'ai repris aussi les vide-greniers après la pause hivernale mais j'ai la flemme de mettre le réveil...
Les pendentifs sont très beaux. J'imagine que les sertis "façon Sherry" sont difficiles à faire.
Wow, beautiful Steph, love these pendants. Great work !
those are gorgeous steph - the microscope glass
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