So… I’ve been tagged by
Andee ( make sure to check her blog, her jewelry is gorgeous !).
I have to share 7 random things about myself with you...
As you might have noticed, I don’t usually say much about myself ( though the pictures and jewelry do the talking for me!), well for once I’ll do the talking!
#1. I don’t like phones ... I know they are useful devices but they are intrusive as well ... I don’t like to be a slave to the phone and in these times of cell phones we tend to be slaves to them. They always ring at odd moments and people stop everything they were doing to answer them. If my phone rings and I don’t feel like answering it ... I won’t ... I’ll check later who called and why ..
#2. I am ¼ black american. Obviously my grand father was a black soldier during WW2 ( I say obviously because we never got to know him but when you see my mum you can tell he was not Irish or German!).
#3. I guess because of #2 , I am very found of the english language ( most of the books I read these days are in english ) and of the history of the USA (I read many books about it).
#4. Talking about books, I love books, I always did ... I remember once I started reading, I was reading everything ( books, labels, the cereal box on the breakfast table!).
#5. I do not have a television set and I’m glad I don’t ... The internet is quite enough ( I spend way too much time on it!).
#6. I have a thing about death ... not really morbid ... I am attracted to the fact that all things must pass .. ourselves included... don’t get me wrong I hate losing the people I love , I hate the blindness of fate. But still I love cemeteries , bones, skulls and the odd things some people would find gross. In general, I love odd and old things... here’s an odd and creepy old thing :

#7. I think I started making jewelry because I could not find any that looked like what I wanted ( or what I wanted was out of my reach financially). I also think I am making what I envisionned as a child ( but at that time I did not have the skills to make what I wanted).The piece I like the best is my ever changing “voodoo necklace” ... here’s an update :

Now I have to tag 7 fellow bloggers :
Sherry from Stillwaters StudioLindsay ObermeyerLucinda StormsKaren ColeStephanie Hilvitz Julie h. Robin from Robin’s nest Have fun!